
Numeric Types

The numeric types usually require no conversion. In this case the type map is mainly used to generate declaration code for wrappers:

type: int
    c_type: int
    cxx_type: int
    f_type: integer(C_INT)
    f_kind: C_INT
        - C_INT
    f_cast: int({f_var}, C_INT)

One case where a conversion is required is when the Fortran argument is one type and the C++ argument is another. This may happen when an overloaded function is generated so that a C_INT or C_LONG argument may be passed to a C++ function function expecting a long. The f_cast field is used to convert the argument to the type expected by the C++ function.


The first thing to notice is that f_c_type is defined. This is the type used in the Fortran interface for the C wrapper. The type is logical(C_BOOL) while f_type, the type of the Fortran wrapper argument, is logical.

The f_statements section describes code to add into the Fortran wrapper to perform the conversion. c_var and f_var default to the same value as the argument name. By setting c_local_var, a local variable is generated for the call to the C wrapper. It will be named SH_{f_var}.

There is no Fortran intrinsic function to convert between default logical and logical(C_BOOL). The pre_call and post_call sections will insert an assignment statement to allow the compiler to do the conversion.

If a function returns a bool result then a wrapper is always needed to convert the result. The result section sets need_wrapper to force the wrapper to be created. By default a function with no argument would not need a wrapper since there will be no pre_call or post_call code blocks. Only the C interface would be required since Fortran could call the C function directly.

See example checkBool.


Any C++ function which has char or std::string arguments or result will create an additional C function which include additional arguments for the length of the strings. Most Fortran compiler use this convention when passing CHARACTER arguments. Shroud makes this convention explicit for three reasons:

  • It allows an interface to be used. Functions with an interface will not pass the hidden, non-standard length argument, depending on compiler.
  • It may pass the result of len and/or len_trim. The convention just passes the length.
  • Returning character argument from C to Fortran is non-portable.

Arguments with the intent(in) annotation are given the len_trim annotation. The assumption is that the trailing blanks are not part of the data but only padding. Return values and intent(out) arguments add a len annotation with the assumption that the wrapper will copy the result and blank fill the argument so it need to know the declared length.

The additional function will be named the same as the original function with the option C_bufferify_suffix appended to the end. The Fortran wrapper will use the original function name, but call the C function which accepts the length arguments.

The character type maps use the c_statements section to define code which will be inserted into the C wrapper. intent_in, intent_out, and result subsections add actions for the C wrapper. intent_in_buf, intent_out_buf, and result_buf are used for arguments with the len and len_trim annotations in the additional C wrapper.

There are occasions when the bufferify wrapper is not needed. For example, when using char * to pass a large buffer. It is better to just pass the address of the argument instead of creating a copy and appending a NULL. The F_create_bufferify_function options can set to false to turn off this feature.


Ndest is the declared length of argument dest and Lsrc is the trimmed length of argument src. These generated names must not conflict with any other arguments. There are two ways to set the names. First by using the options C_var_len_template and C_var_trim_template. This can be used to control how the names are generated for all functions if set globally or just a single function if set in the function’s options. The other is by explicitly setting the len and len_trim annotations which only effect a single declaration.

The pre_call code creates space for the C strings by allocating buffers with space for an additional character (the NULL). The intent(in) string copies the data and adds an explicit terminating NULL. The function is called then the post_call section copies the result back into the dest argument and deletes the scratch space. ShroudStrCopy is a function provided by Shroud which copies character into the destination up to Ndest characters, then blank fills any remaining space.


MPI_Comm is provided by Shroud and serves as an example of how to wrap a non-native type. MPI provides a Fortran interface and the ability to convert MPI_comm between Fortran and C. The type map tells Shroud how to use these routines:

type: MPI_Comm
    cxx_type: MPI_Comm
    c_header: mpi.h
    c_type: MPI_Fint
    f_type: integer
    f_kind: C_INT
    f_c_type: integer(C_INT)
          - C_INT
    cxx_to_c: MPI_Comm_c2f({cxx_var})
    c_to_cxx: MPI_Comm_f2c({c_var})

This mapping makes the assumption that integer and integer(C_INT) are the same type.