
This section discusses Fortran specific wrapper details. This will also include some C wrapper details since some C wrappers are created specificially to be called by Fortran.


As each function declaration is parsed a format dictionary is created with fields to describe the function and its arguments. The fields are then expanded into the function wrapper.

The template for Fortran code showing names which may be controlled directly by the input YAML file:

module {F_module_name}

  ! use_stmts
  implicit none

  abstract interface
     subprogram {F_abstract_interface_subprogram_template}
        type :: {F_abstract_interface_argument_template}
     end subprogram
  end interface

    {F_C_pure_clause} {F_C_subprogram} {F_C_name}
         {F_C_result_clause} bind(C, name="{C_name}")
      ! arg_f_use
      implicit none
      ! arg_c_decl
    end {F_C_subprogram} {F_C_name}
  end interface

  interface {F_name_generic}
    module procedure {F_name_impl}
  end interface {F_name_generic}


  {F_subprogram} {F_name_impl}
    declare      ! local variables
    call  {arg_c_call}
  end {F_subprogram} {F_name_impl}

end module {F_module_name}


Use of format fields for creating class wrappers.

type, bind(C) :: {F_capsule_data_type}
    type(C_PTR) :: addr = C_NULL_PTR  ! address of C++ memory
    integer(C_INT) :: idtor = 0       ! index of destructor
end type {F_capsule_data_type}

type {F_derived_name}
    type({F_capsule_data_type}) :: {F_derived_member}
    procedure :: {F_name_function} => {F_name_impl}
    generic :: {F_name_generic} => {F_name_function}, ...

    ! F_name_getter, F_name_setter, F_name_instance_get as underscore_name
    procedure :: [F_name_function_template] => [F_name_impl_template]

end type {F_derived_name}

Standard type-bound procedures

Several type bound procedures can be created to make it easier to use class from Fortran.

Usually the F_derived_name is constructed from wrapped C++ constructor. It may also be useful to take a pointer to a C++ struct and explicitly put it into a the derived type. The functions F_name_instance_get and F_name_instance_set can be used to access the pointer directly.

Two predicate function are generated to compare derived types:

    interface operator (.eq.)
        module procedure class1_eq
        module procedure singleton_eq
    end interface

    interface operator (.ne.)
        module procedure class1_ne
        module procedure singleton_ne
    end interface


    function {F_name_scope}eq(a,b) result (rv)
        use iso_c_binding, only: c_associated
        type({F_derived_name}), intent(IN) ::a,b
        logical :: rv
        if (c_associated(a%{F_derived_member}%addr, b%{F_derived_member}%addr)) then
            rv = .true.
            rv = .false.
    end function {F_name_scope}eq

    function {F_name_scope}ne(a,b) result (rv)
        use iso_c_binding, only: c_associated
        type({F_derived_name}), intent(IN) ::a,b
        logical :: rv
        if (.not. c_associated(a%{F_derived_member}%addr, b%{F_derived_member}%addr)) then
            rv = .true.
            rv = .false.
    end function {F_name_scope}ne