
What files are created

Shroud will create multiple output file which must be compiled with C++ or Fortran compilers.

One C++ file will be created for the library and one file for each C++ class.

Fortran creates a file for the library and one per additional namespace. Since Fortran does not support forward referencing of derived types, it is necessary to add all classes from a namespace into a single module.

Each Fortran file will only contain one module to make it easier to create makefile dependencies using pattern rules:

%.o %.mod : %.f

File names for the header and implementation files can be set explicitly by setting variables in the format of the global or class scope:

  C_header_filename: top.h
  C_impl_filename: top.cpp
  F_impl_filename: top.f

- decl: class Names
    C_header_filename: foo.h
    C_impl_filename: foo.cpp
    F_impl_filename: foo.f

The default file names are controlled by global options. The option values can be changed to avoid setting the name for each class file explicitly. It’s also possible to change just the suffix of files:

    YAML_type_filename_template: {library_lower}_types.yaml

    C_header_filename_suffix: h
    C_impl_filename_suffix: cpp
    C_header_filename_library_template: wrap{library}.{C_header_filename_suffix}
    C_impl_filename_library_template: wrap{library}.{C_impl_filename_suffix}

    C_header_filename_namespace_template: wrap{file_scope}.{C_header_file_suffix}
    C_impl_filename_namespace_template: wrap{file_scope}.{C_impl_filename_suffix}

    C_header_filename_class_template: wrap{cxx_class}.{C_header_file_suffix}
    C_impl_filename_class_template: wrap{cxx_class}.{C_impl_filename_suffix}

    F_filename_suffix: f
    F_impl_filename_library_template: wrapf{library_lower}.{F_filename_suffix}
    F_impl_filename_namespace_template: wrapf{file_scope}.{F_filename_suffix}

A file with helper functions may also be created. For C the file is named by the format field C_impl_utility. It contains files which are implemented in C but are called from Fortran via BIND(C).

How names are created

Shroud attempts to provide user control of names while providing reasonable defaults. Each name is based on the library, class, function or argument name in the current scope. Most names have a template which may be used to control how the names are generated on a global scale. Many names may also be explicitly specified by a field.

For example, a library has an initialize function which is in a namespace. In C++ it is called as:

#include "library.hpp"


By default this will be a function in a Fortran module and can be called as:

use library

call initialize

Since initialize is a rather common name for a function, it may be desirable to rename the Fortran wrapper to something more specific. The name of the Fortran implementation wrapper can be changed by setting F_name_impl:

library: library

- decl: namespace library
  - decl: void initialize
      F_name_impl: library_initialize

To rename all functions, set the template in the toplevel options:

library: library

  F_name_impl_template: "{library}_{underscore_name}{function_suffix}"

- decl: namespace library
  - decl: void initialize

C++ allows allows overloaded functions and will mangle the names behind the scenes. With Fortran, the mangling must be explicit. To accomplish this Shroud uses the function_suffix format string. By default, Shroud will use a sequence number. By explicitly setting function_suffix, a more meaningful name can be provided:

- decl: void Function6(const std::string& name)
    function_suffix: _from_name
- decl: void Function6(int indx)
    function_suffix: _from_index

This will create the Fortran functions function6_from_name and function6_from_index. A generic interface named function6 will also be created which will include the two generated functions.

Likewise, default arguments will produce several Fortran wrappers and a generic interface for a single C++ function. The format dictionary only allows for a single function_default per function. Instead the field default_arg_suffix can be set. It contains a list of function_suffix values which will be applied from the minimum to the maximum number of arguments:

- decl: int overload1(int num,
          int offset = 0, int stride = 1)
  - _num
  - _num_offset
  - _num_offset_stride

Finally, multiple Fortran wrappers can be generated from a single templated function. Each instantiation will generate an additional Fortran Wrapper and can be distinguished by the template_suffix entry of the format dictionary.

If there is a single template argument, then template_suffix will be set to the flat_name field of the instantiated argument. For example, <int> defaults to _int. This works well for POD types. The entire qualified name is used. For <std::string> this would be std_string. Classes which are deeply nested can produce very long values for template_suffix. To deal with this, the function_template field can be set on Class declarations:

- decl: namespace internal
  - decl: class ImplWorker1
      template_suffix: instantiation3

By default internal_implworker1 would be used for the template_suffix. But in this case instantiation3 will be used.

For multiple template arguments, template_suffix defaults to a sequence number to avoid long function names. In this case, specifying an explicit template_suffix can produce a more user friendly name:

- decl: template<T,U> void FunctionTU(T arg1, U arg2)
  - instantiation: <int, long>
      template_suffix: instantiation1
  - instantiation: <float, double>
      template_suffix: instantiation2
The Fortran functions will be named function_tu_instantiation1 and

Additional Wrapper Functions

Functions can be created in the Fortran wrapper which have no corresponding function in the C++ library. This may be necessary to add functionality which may unnecessary in C++. For example, a library provides a function which returns a string reference to a name. If only the length is desired no extra function is required in C++ since the length is extracted used a std::string method:

ExClass1 obj("name")
int len = obj.getName().length();

Calling the Fortran getName wrapper will copy the string into a Fortran array but you need the length first to make sure there is enough room. You can create a Fortran wrapper to get the length without adding to the C++ library:

- decl: class ExClass1
  - decl: int GetNameLength() const
      C_code: |
        return {CXX_this}->getName().length();

The generated C wrapper will use the C_code provided for the body:

int AA_exclass1_get_name_length(const AA_exclass1 * self)
    const ExClass1 *SH_this = static_cast<const ExClass1 *>(
        static_cast<const void *>(self));
    return SH_this->getName().length();

The C_pre_call format string is generated by Shroud to convert the self argument into CXX_this and must be included in C_code to get the definition.

Helper functions

Shroud provides some additional file static function which are inserted at the beginning of the wrapped code. Some helper functions are used to communicate between C and Fortran. They are global and written into the fmt.C_impl_utility file. The names of these files will have C_prefix prefixed to create unique names.

C helper functions

ShroudStrCopy(char *dest, int ndest, const char *src, int nsrc)
Copy src into dest, blank fill to ndest characters Truncate if dest is too short to hold all of src. dest will not be NULL terminated.
int ShroudLenTrim(const char *src, int nsrc)
Returns the length of character string src with length nsrc, ignoring any trailing blanks.

Each Python helper is prefixed by format variable PY_helper_prefix which defaults to SHROUD_. This is used to avoid conflict with other wrapped functions.

The option PY_write_helper_in_util will write all of the helper fuctions into the file defined by PY_utility_filename. This can be useful to avoid clutter when there are a lot of classes which may create lots of duplicate helpers. The helpers will no longer be file static and instead will also be prefixed with C_prefix to avoid conflicting with helpers created by another Shroud wrapped library.

Header Files

The header files for the library are included by the generated C++ source files.

The library source file will include the global cxx_header field. Each class source file will include the class cxx_header field unless it is blank. In that case the global cxx_header field will be used.

To include a file in the implementation list it in the global or class options:

cxx_header: global_header.hpp

- decl: class Class1
  cxx_header: class_header.hpp

- decl: typedef int CustomType
    c_header:  type_header.h
    cxx_header : type_header.hpp

The c_header field will be added to the header file of contains functions which reference the type. This is used for files which are not part of the library but which contain code which helps map C++ constants to C constants

Local Variable

SH_ prefix on local variables which are created for a corresponding argument. For example the argument char *name, may need to create a local variable named std::string SH_name.

Shroud also generates some code which requires local variables such as loop indexes. These are prefixed with SHT_. This name is controlled by the format variable c_temp.

Results are named from fmt.C_result or fmt.F_result.

Format variable which control names are

  • c_temp
  • C_local
  • C_this
  • CXX_local
  • CXX_this
  • C_result
  • F_pointer - SHT_pointer
  • F_result - SHT_rv (return value)
  • F_this - obj
  • LUA_result
  • PY_result

C Preprocessor

It is possible to add C preprocessor conditional compilation directives to the generated source. For example, if a function should only be wrapped if USE_MPI is defined the cpp_if field can be used:

- decl: void testmpi(MPI_Comm comm)
    function_suffix: _mpi
  cpp_if: ifdef HAVE_MPI
- decl: void testmpi()
    function_suffix: _serial
  cpp_if: ifndef HAVE_MPI

The function wrappers will be created within #ifdef/#endif directives. This includes the C wrapper, the Fortran interface and the Fortran wrapper. The generated Fortran interface will be:

    interface testmpi
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
        module procedure testmpi_mpi
#ifndef HAVE_MPI
        module procedure testmpi_serial
    end interface testmpi

Class generic type-bound function will also insert conditional compilation directives:

- decl: class ExClass3
  cpp_if: ifdef USE_CLASS3
  - decl: void exfunc()
    cpp_if: ifdef USE_CLASS3_A
  - decl: void exfunc(int flag)
    cpp_if: ifndef USE_CLASS3_A

The generated type will be:

    type exclass3
        type(SHROUD_capsule_data), private :: cxxmem
        procedure :: exfunc_0 => exclass3_exfunc_0
        procedure :: exfunc_1 => exclass3_exfunc_1
#ifdef USE_CLASS3_A
        generic :: exfunc => exfunc_0
#ifndef USE_CLASS3_A
        generic :: exfunc => exfunc_1
    end type exclass3

A cpp_if field in a class will add a conditional directive around the entire class.

Finally, cpp_if can be used with types. This would be required in the first example since mpi.h should only be included when USE_MPI is defined:

- type: MPI_Comm
    cpp_if: ifdef USE_MPI

When using cpp_if, it is useful to set the option F_filename_suffix to F. This will cause most compilers to process the Fortran souce with cpp before compilation.

The typemaps field can only appear at the outermost layer and is used to augment existing typemaps.


Shroud generates a JSON file with all of the input from the YAML and all of the format dictionaries and type maps. This file can be useful to see which format keys are available and how code is generated.